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Keep Evolving: Deepen Your Practice with CPD for Yoga Teachers

As yoga teachers, our journey never truly ends. Every class we teach is an opportunity to deepen our knowledge, refine our skills, and expand our understanding. Whether it's delving into the complexities of the human body or reconnecting with the spiritual origins of our practice, there's always more to learn, more to experience.

Our CPD online courses are designed with this spirit of continuous growth in mind. Led by award-winning yoga tacher Zahir Akram, you'll explore the anatomy and physiology that forms the foundation of every movement, every breath.


Zahir’s unique ability to break down complex science into accessible and actionable insights makes this learning both engaging and practical. With hours of content, he’ll guide you through the major muscles, bones, and introduce the physiology that drives anatomy, ensuring you not only know what you’re teaching but why it matters.

But yoga is more than just the body. In our philosophy modules, we take a journey into the timeless stories of Shiva and Parvati. Drawing from the wisdom of ancient texts and weaving it into the context of modern life, these teachings will help you reconnect with the roots of yoga, bringing depth and meaning into your practice and your teaching.

These courses aren’t just about fulfilling a requirement—they’re about nourishing your passion for yoga, keeping your teaching fresh, and inspiring your students with knowledge that goes beyond the surface. Stay curious. Stay evolving.

Explore our CPD offerings and continue the journey of self-discovery, for yourself and your students.


what is Krishna's Legacy?

what is Krishna's Legacy?

"Teaching yoga is a path of continual learning. The deeper we go, the more we uncover within ourselves and in our students."

About Your Tutor – Zahir Akram
Dedicated husband, dad, and lifelong seeker.

Hi, I’m Zahir Akram, your course tutor and the owner of Akram Studio. My journey started in 2004 as a personal trainer, with early experiences as far as New York. Over the years, I’ve continuously evolved my approach, always seeking new and effective ways to guide others towards their goals.

I’ve been deeply honored to receive recognition along the way, including being voted the best yoga teacher in Surrey in 2019 (though I’ll admit, I’m not even the best teacher in my own household!). These moments have been humbling reminders of my passion to help students not only move better but feel empowered in their own bodies, breaking down complex science into accessible lessons.

For those considering this course, know that my commitment to learning runs deep. I’ve dedicated years to understanding the intricacies of lower back pain, and that journey continues today. But this quest goes beyond just the body. For over a decade, I’ve immersed myself in the wisdom of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra—a text that has profoundly influenced my approach. Its teachings remind me that each individual is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each person must discover their own magic on their own path.

Having personally struggled with chronic back pain since a car accident at 17, I understand the frustration and confusion that can come with it. Early advice I received only added to that frustration, and this course is my way of cutting through that noise—helping you to guide your students with clarity, while giving them the tools to listen to their own bodies. Sometimes, the most powerful teaching is helping someone discover the wisdom already within them.

I’ve studied at the National Academy of Sports Medicine and N.E.S.T.A. in biomechanics, alongside beginning a degree in Osteopathy at the London School of Osteopathy. Though life’s demands shifted me away from completing that degree, the knowledge gained continues to fuel my work.

I’m here to share not just the science, but the deeper philosophy that underpins yoga. Together, we’ll explore both the anatomy of the body and the timeless wisdom that can guide your students towards their own unique path.

Zahir Akram
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