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Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H


JAN 2026

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H




Course Objective and Outcome

Upon completion of the course, successful students will feel confident teaching yoga classes suitable for the general population. They will understand how to create diverse and engaging sequences and how to make their classes flow seamlessly. In addition to flow-style classes, students will also be proficient in leading more static Hatha yoga sessions and adapting their teaching style for heated environments.

Above all, the course empowers students to embrace their authentic selves and teach with confidence. This training is about discovering who you truly are as a teacher, rather than molding yourself into who you think you should be.

Weekend 1

Sat 11th JAN 2025

AM - A History of Yoga

PM - Gheranda Samhita

Sunday 12th JAN 2025

AM - The 1st Yogi

PM - 84 Poses Manual


Weekend 2

Sat 8th FEB 2025

AM - The Yoga Sutras (Philosophy)

PM - 84 Poses Manual

Sunday 9th FEB 2025

AM - The Respiratory System/Breathing

PM - 84 Poses Manual


Weekend 3

Sat 8th MARCH 2025

AM - Class Planing & Sequencing

PM - 84 Poses Manual

Sun 9th MARCH 2025

AM - Anatomical Principles

PM - 84 Poses Manual


Weekend 4

Sat 29th MARCH 2025

AM - Creative Sequencing

PM - Teaching Practice

Sunday 30th MARCH 2025

AM - Foot, Ankle & Knee Anatomy

PM - 84 Poses Manual


Weekend 5

Sat 10th MAY 2025

AM - The Brain & Nervous System

PM - Teaching Practice

Sunday 11th MAY 2025

AM - Hip, Pelvis Anaatomy

PM - 84 Poses Manual


Weekend 6

Sat 7th JUNE 2025

AM - Kriyas, Bandhas Theory

PM - Teaching Practice

Sun 8th JUNE 2025

AM - Pelvis, Spine Anatomy

PM - 84 Poses Manual


Weekend 7

Sat 5th JULY 2025

AM - Meditation Theory & Practice

PM - Teaching Practice

Sunday 6th JULY 2025

AM - Upper Limb Anatomy

PM - Teaching Practice


Weekend 8

Sat 19th JULY 2025

AM - Pranayama Theory & Practice

PM - 84 Poses CLASS

Sunday 20th JULY 2025

AM - Anatomy & Physiology Review

PM - Teaching Practice


Weekend 9


AM - The Art of Adjustments

PM - Teaching Practice


AM - Practicalities of teaching Yoga

PM - Teaching Practice


Weekend 10






Evaluation Procedure and Grading Criteria (subject to change).

Essays: Two written assignments, one focusing on the history and philosophy of yoga or a practical yoga topic, and an open-book anatomy quiz.

Formal Class Plan: A detailed class plan is required for the final practical assessment.

Observational Class Assessment: Trainees will be evaluated while teaching a led class, including providing adjustments.

Continuous Assessment: Ongoing evaluation by the tutors, based on class participation and engagement.


Prerequisites -

Students don’t need to have an advanced yoga practice or be able to do handstands—these skills can always develop over time. What matters most is a willingness to learn and an open mind toward education. Students should be prepared to dedicate time to study any additional material outside of class.

Although this is primarily an in-person training, an accompanying online course will be available, and students are encouraged to engage with it simultaneously to consolidate their learning.


Manuals & pre-reading


At the start of the course, each student will receive three comprehensive manuals—a culmination of a lifetime’s work—that will guide and support their learning journey. These manuals are intricately linked to the weekly modules, so it’s crucial to bring them to each session. Digital PDF versions will also be available for download.


For pre-reading, students are encouraged to explore Zahir's blogs as extensively as possible. These writings are specifically tailored for teacher trainees and will provide a solid foundation, greatly enhancing your understanding before the course begins.

A Word from Our Owner, Zahir

Although yoga is often associated with flexibility, I want students to leave with the understanding that the poses represent only a small percentage of what yoga truly encompasses. More importantly, I don't just want to tell you what yoga is—I want you to gain an organic understanding of why it is such a transformative and magical practice. My hope is that you leave this course with the confidence to know that the most yogic thing you can ever do is simply be yourself. Embrace who you are, with all your flaws and insecurities, and have faith in your authentic self. If you walk away with this realization, we will have fulfilled our roles as teachers.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H


Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H

Module 1 - Yoga Philosophy


Our Philosophy module delves into the earliest oral traditions, centered around a profound dialogue between the first Yogi, Shiva, and his wife, Parvati, the original Yoga student.

From this intimate exchange, we uncover the true meaning of yoga—as both a journey and a destination. This dialogue offers us not only insights into yoga but also a deeper understanding of who we are and how we fit into this world.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H

Module 2 - Anatomy

A simplified approach to anatomy, where Zahir takes pride in making science and biomechanics as accessible as possible.

Each weekend, we focus on one major joint, exploring its role in various yoga poses and gradually building our confidence in understanding anatomy throughout the course.

What’s most important is not just knowing anatomy, but understanding how this knowledge helps us keep our students safe.

Module 3 - Physiology, The Brain, Nervous System & The Stress Response.


Anatomy is about movement, and physiology is the force that drives that movement.


In what many students consider their favorite module, we delve into the fundamentals of physiology and its impact on everything we do. This exploration leads to an organic understanding that each student, as they sit on their mat, is a unique reflection of their own physiology.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H

Module 4 - Physiology, The Science of Breathing

In this module, we apply our physiology and stress knowledge to explore the most efficient ways to breathe and how proper breathing in yoga can promote healing down to the cellular level.


We examine questions such as: What is the most efficient way to breathe during practice? And does breathing change when transitioning from sitting to standing?

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H
Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H

Module 5 - The Philosophy 2, The Yoga Sutras

In this classic text, the sage Patanjali defines yoga as "the stillness of the mind." But what does this truly mean? How does it apply in 2024, and is it still relevant for a modern postural yogi?


This module is designed to be more conversational and interactive than many traditional philosophy courses, encouraging thoughtful dialogue and exploration.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200HC

Module 6 - Lesson Planning & Seuencing

Designed to prepare you for teaching classes confidently upon completing the course, this module guides you in creating effective class plans—whether focused on anatomy or any theme you choose. You'll learn how to sequence creatively and think outside the box, building the skills and confidence needed to design engaging and meaningful yoga classes.

Module 7 - Meditation

What is meditation? How has it evolved from ancient times, when it was seen as a destination rather than a practice?


This module includes both theoretical discussions and practical experiences as we explore various meditation techniques together.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H

Module 8 - Pranayama

Often misunderstood by overly enthusiastic students, we aim to explore Pranayama from its earliest roots to modern-day breathing exercises.


This module includes a practical component where we practice a variety of Pranayama techniques, deepening our understanding of breathwork.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H
Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H

Module 9 - The 84 Yoga Poses

Led by Laura and Paul, most afternoon sessions will focus on exploring and dissecting the fundamental 84 yoga poses outlined in your manuals.


You’ll learn how to practice these poses and receive tips from Laura and Paul on effective ways to teach them and integrate them into your classes.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H

Module 10 - 84 Asanas Workshop

Wrapping up our exploration of the 84 yoga poses, this invigorating afternoon workshop integrates everything we've learned. We combine breathing techniques, anatomical knowledge, and sequencing into a comprehensive 4-hour class, practicing all 84 poses.


This workshop is always a favorite among students.

Module 11 - Teaching Practice

When afternoons are not dedicated to dissecting the poses from the manual, they are spent on teaching practice.


You will break into small groups of 3-4 to practice teaching poses and learn how to incorporate them into your sequences, gaining hands-on experience.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H

Module 12 - Philosophy 3: Chakras, Bandhas & Kriyas Theory

A morning dedicated to the theoretical aspects of traditional yoga, focusing on non-postural elements such as chakras, bandhas, and kriyas. We discuss how to incorporate these concepts into our teachings to enrich our understanding and approach to yoga.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H
Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H

Module 13 - Partner Yoga

The most playful and lighthearted module of all! In this afternoon session, we pair up and enjoy some partner yoga.


Our philosophy emphasizes embracing a childlike, joyful approach to yoga and life, reminding us to laugh at ourselves.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H

Module 14 - The Art of Teaching

Over the course of 10 months, you will gain valuable insights into what it truly means to teach. At its core, teaching is simply about communication. By being authentic and genuinely connecting with your students, you’re already on the path to success. Remember, the key to great teaching is to be yourself and communicate openly.

Online Learning

Each module of the course can also be studied at your own pace using our comprehensive online platform. You’ll have unlimited access to all course content, including in-depth module videos, interactive quizzes, and a wide range of resources designed to help consolidate your learning and deepen your understanding of the material.

Access will be available from the very start of the course, giving you the flexibility to tailor your learning schedule to your personal needs and commitments.

One of the greatest advantages of this online course is that it’s yours to access for life. This means that whenever you need a refresher or want to revisit any content, you can easily go back to relevant modules. This lifelong access ensures that your learning journey doesn’t end when the course finishes, but continues to support your growth and development as a yoga teacher for years to come.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H
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about us 

Since 2013, we have taken immense pride in training yoga teachers. Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of guiding people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, and all walks of life. Many have shared with us that completing our training was one of the best decisions they’ve ever made. And while not everyone goes on to teach, countless participants have found the experience transformative. They’ve discovered renewed faith in themselves, forged lifelong friendships, and rediscovered their unique path in life.

This course is about so much more than becoming a yoga teacher—it’s about discovering who you truly are. We are passionate about helping people on this journey of self-discovery, and that’s why we absolutely love what we do.

zahir akram 

Trainees are required to attend at least 90% of the course. If any in-person sessions are missed, it is essential to catch up on the content using the accompanying online course. Akram Yoga reserves the right to charge additional fees for any in-person catch-up sessions.

Our training school has met the rigorous standards set by Yoga Alliance Professionals UK, ensuring that this course is of the highest quality. Graduates will be eligible to use the title ‘Registered Yoga Teacher’ (RYT) as a mark of excellence when registering with Yoga Alliance Professionals UK.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We understand what a significant commitment this course is, and we’re here to support you in any way we can.


We want to ensure it feels right for you, and sometimes it helps to talk through any concerns you may have. Feel free to contact us at—we’d love to hear from you.

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H


thank you card
Yoga TT
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Zahir Akram Yoga
Yoga TT
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more about the modules 

We study anatomy on our teacher trainings not to become experts or to impress with our knowledge, but because, fundamentally, learning anatomy is a deeply yogic practice ⭐️

Understanding anatomy shifts our focus inward, to the remarkable inner machinery of the human body. It fosters an appreciation for the body's complex mechanisms 😯. While it certainly aids in guiding students, the true enchantment of studying anatomy lies in its ability to redirect our attention from external events to the messages our bodies convey from within.

Yoga at its core is a deeply personal practice ✨☀️🌑

Zahir Akram 

partner yoga

One of my favourite modules to teach is Partner Yoga (that’s me on the top, in the picture on the right!). This module isn’t about mastering advanced poses; it’s about having fun, embracing the lighthearted side of yoga, and rediscovering that yoga should be enjoyable! Guided by myself and our partner-in-crime, Paul Allen, this session is all about building connections as we learn to work together. We learn to fall safely, laugh at ourselves, and find joy in the practice. A consistent favourite among our trainees, we love sharing yoga with a smile!"

Watch the video from our 300H training :)

Laura Akram 

Yoga Teacher Trainertt.PNG

Over the years, as we’ve grown and evolved as yoga teachers, our teacher training has transformed along with us. It’s almost unrecognizable from the very first training we offered over a decade ago. We continually strive to improve, and it’s incredibly rewarding to see some of our trainees now among the most popular teachers in Surrey. While we don’t take all the credit, we take pride in how we encourage people to be themselves.


After all, as Rumi said, ‘Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.’ Be yourself, and people will love you for it."

Zahir Akram 

Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H
Akram Yoga - Yoga Teacher Training / 200H

the next steps










Tel - 07466727756
Email - here

AKRAM Yoga Studio / Surrey


Address - 157 Station Road, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 2AT
United Kingdom


Website stretched into place by Zahir Akram


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AKRAM Yoga Studio / Surrey
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